Thursday 7 February 2019

Common Electrical Fires Causes And Ways to Prevent in Home

It has been seen that thousands of electrical accidents take place each year, of which some of them are fatal ones. Besides, there are incidents of electrical fires caused by ill-maintained or poorly installed wiring. It is important to understand that most of these accidents and firs are avoidable.

Electrical fires not only damage your property but can also harm your family as well and these occur only due to mistakes that homeowners make. Some of the common electrical repair service problems and how to prevent from them is described as following:

Electrical Outlet

Most of the electrical fires are caused by damaged electrical outlets, especially the old outdated electrical equipment. Other fires are caused by faults in appliances cords, switches and respectable. Never use an appliance with a frayed or worn cord that can send heat onto the combustible surfaces, such as curtains, rugs and floors.
Prevention Tip: Check whether there is any loose-fitting plug, as these can prevent a fire/shock hazard. If you notice that any of the wall plats are missing or broken, then replace them without any delay. If you have young kids in your home, make sure that you cover all the used outlets.

Light Fixtures

Light fixtures, light bulbs and lamps are the common reasons of electrical fires. Installing a bulb with a wattage that is too high for the light fixtures and lamps are a leading cause of electrical fires. Another cause of the fire is placing the materials like paper or cloth over a lampshade. The material ignites and heats up, causing a fire. Also, the faulty light fixtures and lamps result in fires.
Prevention Tip: Make sure that the wattage of the bulbs is compatible with the fixture requirements. If you find any bulbs with a higher than recommended wattage rating, then replace them immediately. It is important to ensure that they don’t overheat and they are screwed-in securely.

Extension Cords

Another cause of the electrical fire is the misuse of extension cords. Appliances should be plugged directly into the outlet and not plugged into an extension cord. These cords, if used for a permanent basis can cause an electrical fire.
Prevention Tip: Use the ones that have safety enclosures to protect kids from shock and burn injuries. Call a 24 hour electrician Perth to install power outlets matched to the appliances that are frequently used by you. Avoid plugging appliances into the multi-socket cords.


A Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter is an unintentional connection between a ‘hot’ power source and a grounded wire, piece of equipment or junction box. It is caused by:
  • Wet electrical parts and products
  • Damaged electrical appliances and devices
If your body becomes the pathway for electrical current to the ground, then there is a high likelihood of you getting electrocuted, shocked or burned.
Prevention Tip: The GFCI is installed in bathrooms, kitchen, basement, garage and various other indoor and outdoor outlets in your home. It helps to prevent electrical shock, electrocution and burns by shutting off power to the circuit, as it detects too much electricity flowing to the ground. Test these on a monthly basis to ensure that they are working as required.

Circuit Breakers or Fuses

Circuit breakers are the mechanical devices that ‘break’ a circuit, if too much of the current is drawn through it, causing an electrical fire. Only old properties have fuse boxes and these don’t have the capacity to endure the heavy electrical loads required by modern appliances and equipment.
Prevention Tip: It’s better to evaluate these older systems assessed by an accomplished electrician and replace them with the modern RCD circuit breakers. Hence, this protects the house from a fire caused by overheated wires.

Electrical Wiring and Fixtures

  • Damage, inadequate or old wiring also causes electrical fires. Warning signs indicated include:
  • Lights that dim when something else is turned on
  • Fuses blowing and circuits overloading frequently
  • Multiple extension cables branching off one outlet

Prevention Tip:

Get these checked periodically for loose wall fixtures or loose connections. If you hear any sizzling, popping or hissing sounds from the sockets or behind the walls, then call an expert electrician without any delay to check these installations or replacing it. If you find any electrical fixture or switch hot to touch, then get those checked also.
If you’re interested in improving your home and reducing fire hazards in your property, contact Electrician Perth, as they offer the best residential electrical services. Response Electrical Services offer you the best electricians at reasonable prices. Contact us today for more insights!

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